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From times past, our world has been filled with wonders we, as a species, have had difficulties understanding. We think we have become the dominant species on the planet because we were so smart and sophisticated. But what if that's not the truth of it? What if we, the people of planet Earth, found out the real truth? What if we discovered something so terrible, and yet so wonderful, that we couldn't help but to embrace it? What if we could take a jump up on the evolutionary scale by simply finding that special "something" that would release it? What if that "something" had been here all along, shaping our world from behind the scenes? What if we discovered this special "something" and it changed everything? Would we be strong enough to control it, or would it control us? Could we? Would it even be possible? The mind is a powerful thing when driven to extremes. Given the right stimuli even the strongest of us can crumble to the power of another. But it is when we become more than we are that we truly become who we were meant to be. The Evolution Saga addresses this quandary and many moral dilemmas as we join Darrel and his family for their trip down the rabbit hole, (to paraphrase a line from Alice in Wonderland). Feel the possibilities for our species. Wonder if it is at all possible, and believe that nothing is too far fetched for the human condition to attain.

The Evolution Chamber
The Evolution Series- Book One


Copyright 2016



What if we learned the truth about our place in the universe? What if we discovered how mankind, along with every other creature on the planet, Evolved? Darrel and his family of farmers, living in the small town of Hunter, Kansas, suddenly discover an answer to that question, and in doing so, discover the greatest jump in evolution for our species to date.  Darrel and his flock of locals are suddenly discovered, and a team of military analysts are tasked with understanding this new phenomenon. During this time, Darrel and his fellow townspeople are surrounded and cut off from the rest of the world. They find themselves trapped in their own hometown with no way out. All hell breaks out as the two sides collide. Watch as Darrel, Sharon, Joe, and Tammy, lead the fight against this tyranny. Come and watch as they become of -one mind- and stand.

Evolution;s Pride
The Evolution Series - Book Two


Copyright 2017



Carter Reese -the sole survivor of a devastating blast that rocked the little town of Hunter Kansas- is doing his best to stay off the radar as he tries to put his life, what there is of it, back in some sort of order. Losing his nephew Joe, who was his last living family member, has Carter in a state of deep depression that could have dire consequences for not only him, but for the rest of humanity. Hooking up with Dr. Ruben Finch, the scientist behind this catastrophe, Carter finds a path that may lead him to a form of redemption, of a sort. Finding a woman who sees him for the man he is, Carter finds he still has hope in his life; the tragedy, although brutal and crushing emotionally, hadn't driven that hope from him fully. Can he make a difference? Can he stop the power's that are aligning to stand against humanity? Will he be able to save those he loves? Deep in the pages of this new and exciting novel the answers await your eager desire to know the truth. Open the pages and see for yourself. As you dig deeper and deeper into the pages of this world of the mind, you may find yourself wondering if this world may just be possible, and how far away it might actually be?  Perhaps it won't happen in out lifetime, but it may not be all that far away either. Can you stand the idea? Can you release your mind and become part of the collective? Can you join the ones who fight for freedom on the most primal level? In short...would you help humanity stand?

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